Dokuz Eylül University, in association with Yaşar University, presents the Izmir Poetry Festival on
A host of exciting poets from the UK, Turkey, Ireland, Canada, Iran and Spain will gather in Izmir, the city of Homer, to share their poetries and discuss the latest developments in the field of poetry. There will be plenary papers by Professor Will Rowe (Birkbeck College, University of London) and Professor Peter Jaeger (Roehampton University); readings by Tim Atkins, Gökçenur Çelebioğlu, Nia Davies, Jeff Hilson, Peter Jaeger, Robert Kiely, Frances Kruk, Ghazal Mosadeq, Ian O’Reilly, Gonca Özmen, Jessica Pujol i Duran, Will Rowe, Zoe Skoulding and Philip Terry; video presentations by Lucy Beynon and Lisa Jeschke, Gregorio Fontaine and Anthony Paraskeva; a roundtable discussion on creative translation; a special workshop on the sonnet; and many other exciting events.
All are welcome, attendance is free (though sign-up may be required for some events) and readings will be held at Dokuz Eylül University’s DESEM building in Alsancak, Izmir on the 16th and at Yaşar University’s campus in Bornova, Izmir on the 17th. More details will be announced soon.
A host of exciting poets from the UK, Turkey, Ireland, Canada, Iran and Spain will gather in Izmir, the city of Homer, to share their poetries and discuss the latest developments in the field of poetry. There will be plenary papers by Professor Will Rowe (Birkbeck College, University of London) and Professor Peter Jaeger (Roehampton University); readings by Tim Atkins, Gökçenur Çelebioğlu, Nia Davies, Efe Duyan, Jeff Hilson, Peter Jaeger, Robert Kiely, Frances Kruk, Ghazal Mosadeq, Ian O’Reilly, Gonca Özmen, Jessica Pujol i Duran, Will Rowe, Zoe Skoulding and Philip Terry; video presentations by Lucy Beynon and Lisa Jeschke, Gregorio Fontaine and Anthony Paraskeva; a roundtable discussion on creative translation; a special workshop on the sonnet; and many other exciting events.
All are welcome, attendance is free (though sign-up may be required for some events) and readings will be held at Dokuz Eylül University’s DESEM building in Alsancak, Izmir on the 16th and at Yaşar University’s campus in Bornova, Izmir on the 17th. More details will be announced soon.